Heraklion - 6 Kydonias Street - 2008
Heraklion - 6 Kydonias Street, (property of K. Theofilaki-M. Damianaki). Ioannis Volanakis (13th EBA) reports that during 2008 a salvage excavation was conducted at the property of K. Theofilaki and M. Damianaki. A building of later date was present in the property, however it was demolished. After the removal of modern materials belonging to that building, traces of walls and pottery were identified. Parts of cobbled floors were also discovered under the concrete.
Two small built cisterns covered in lime mortar in their interior were found at the SE side. They were divided by a wall and have been destroyed by foundations. They were potentially used as part of a workshop until later periods. At the SE side of the property, a water drain consisted of clay pipes, was discovered in situ. At the N side, the bottom of a trapezoid trough made of crude stones and lime mortar was also excavated. It is possible that this structure was used as a wine press instead. Another structure in relation to the potential wine press was a destroyed floor with slabs built on rectangular stairs.
The pottery found in the property dates from the Late Venetian to the Late Ottoman period (Turkish pipes, fine pottery of dark brown clay, porcelain cups). It was both undecorated and glazed, with the latter being green-yellow and bearing various motifs. Coins as well as fragments of glass vessels were also among the finds. Based on the pottery, the “destruction” at the area might have taken place at the ending of 1700 AD, around the time of the Cretan war.
[Entry created by C. Koureta]
ADelt 63 (2008), Chr., 1208-09.
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