Vryssa, Apokorono - Kefala site - 2007
Vryssa, Apokorono - Kefala site. Anastasia Fiolitaki (28th EBA) reports on the excavation of a Byzantine building complex. From the study of the ceramics, the building is dated between the fifth and middle of the seventh century AD.
Five rooms were discovered, of which four were storage rooms and one was a workshop. In addition, inside Room B1 two cist graves were discovered. Within the storage rooms, finds included pots, knife blades, a small bronze buckle, a Π-shaped lead handle and bronze rings, and on the basis of these finds it cannot be ruled out that some of these rooms functioned as living spaces.
To the W of Room D there was a courtyard, a wall in which might have been the facade of another room. In this area two structures were found in which there were traces of burning, possibly indicating use as hearths. A gold coin of Phocas (602–610 AD) was also found here.
ADelt 62 (2007), Chr., 1314–6
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