Dafni (Damiza) - Lakkathela plot - 2014
Dafni (Damiza) - Lakkathela plot. Christos Matzanas (Z’ EPKA) reports on the excavation of the 17th Mycenaean tomb found at this site, discovered after illegal excavation activities and looting. The chamber tomb had a circular thalamos 2.70 x 3.40m, containing the burials of two individuals. Finds included ceramics (mainly alabastra) two steatite loom weights, a diadem made of glass, a faience necklace and some semi-precious stones. Ceramics indicate that the grave dates to LHIIIA1–2 (fourteenth century BC).
Later in the summer two further graves to excavated (graves 18 and 19), of similar dimensions to grave 17 and located 10m to the S. The graves were dated to LHIIIA1–2.
ADelt 69 (2014), Chr., 939–52
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