Heraklion - 14 Halidon Street - 2007
Heraklion - 14 Halidon Street (property of Tzagkaroulaki-Stathaki). Liana Starida, Eleni Kanaki, Periandros Epitropakis, Z. Aletras, Ch. Mpilmezi and N. Marnellou (13th EBA) report that in 14 Halidon Street, near Jesus gate in Herakleion, trial trenching commenced on the entirety of the property. The base of a small cistern was discovered in the NW part of trench 1, along with small part of its S and W side. Underneath the cistern, an open drain built of stones was detected with a W-N orientation. Its E side was leaning on a stone wall. Only a small amount of pottery for daily use was discovered during the excavation as well as a few glazed sherds.
[Entry created by C. Koureta]
ADelt 62 (2007), Chr., 1297-98.
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