Heraklion - 9 M. Mousourou Street - 2007
Heraklion - 9 M. Mousourou Street (property of N.-D.-A. Xylouri- M. Domalaki). Liana Starida, Eleni Kanaki, Periandros Epitropakis, Z. Aletras, Ch. Mpilmezi and N. Marnellou (13th EBA) report that trial trenching was conducted at the property in 9 M. Mousourou street in Herakleion. Prior to the excavation, the demolition of a two-storey house has taken place. In trench 1 a stone wall as well as two undecorated pot sherds, one later than the other and another with buff slip and glazing. In trench 2 at the NW part of the plot, hastily-made foundations along with a layer with burning evidence were detected 1.10m below the surface. In trenches 3 and 4, no finds were discovered.
[Entry created by C. Koureta]
ADelt 62 (2007), Chr., 1298.
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