Pera Galinoi, Mylopotamos - 2013
Pera Galinoi, Mylopotamos. Eleni Tsivilika and Eleni Banou (ΚΕ’ ΕΠΚΑ) report on discoveries made at this site.
An extension was made to an existing trench, 1.50m to the N. A small circular structure was found, though to be a hearth 0.3m in interior dimensions and 0.7m exterior. To the S was another larger circular structure, 1m big. It was poorly preserved and its presence could only be detected through the floor plan and a few fragments.
To the N, a pit with diameter 0.4m was excavated, marked by small stones. In the centre, a long stone was placed and on its W side a large piece of mortar. In the NE corner, a piece of copper slag was found 0.7m to the E another hearth was found (0.68m long), which had to its N part some small slabs in it, a few sherds, and a fragment of rock crystal and an obsidian tool.
A new part of the site was opened, 3.35 x 1.85m, including to the S an area that had been explored in 2001. To the S boundary of the site a large built well was found. At the N end, a small room was found, and several stones had fallen here, covering think floor slabs (0.02–0.04m). Several thin or oval shaped plaques were found, 0,235 x 0.15m, the use of which are currently being investigated. Most of the pottery found was dated to MMIA.
ADelt 68 (2013), Chr., 777
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