Private plot of Sampsakis and Andreou, Kisamos - 2013
Kissamos, Kastellion
Private plot of Sampsakis and Andreou, Kisamos. Nektarios Paterakis (ΚΕ’ ΕΠΚΑ) reports on further work at this site, where two buildings of the middle later Roman imperial period were found, and part of an ancient road system (Fig. 1 and 2).
Towards the edges of the plot, a building as been located (buildingI) approximately 156 x 75 sqm, which continues to the W. Both a road and pipelines have been located N and S of the plot.
Both of the buildings discovered seem to have been found at the same time, during the heyday of Roman Kisamos, and then both probably abandoned after the earthquake in 365 AD. To the S, extension had been made to both buildings, including the addition of a well and some small rooms to the west. The floors of the buildings are preserved in area Z to the N of Building I.
There are no remains of the Byzantine period except for pipes 1 and 3 to the NE of the plot. Sherds of LMIII and the Hellenistic period were also found.
ADelt 68 (2013), Chr., 772–3
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