Mesorrachi Faneromeni, Siteia - 2013
Panagia Faneromeni
Mesorrachi Faneromeni, Siteia. Chryssa Sofianou (ΚΔ’ ΕΠΚΑ) reports that during surface work conducted at this site a circular structure was identified, thought to be a tholos tomb and, according to the ceramics, dating to the pre-palatial period. Following excavation, a large circular building was discovered, with internal partitions marking out seven rooms. The burial of a child from the Middle Minoan period was found in one of the rooms.
Dimensions of the building were 16.45 x 12.75m. In all areas of the building, stone tools were found, and obsidian. The building dates to the Early Minoan period and it the oldest of its kind found in Crete to date.
ADelt 68 (2013), Chr., 805
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