VRINA - Daphni - 2000
Informations Générales
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Année de l'opération
Nature de l'opération
Notices et opérations liées
Vrina (Daphni) (G. Lambropoulos property). O. Vikatou (Ζ' ΕΠΚΑ) reports the discovery of a large, stepped retaining wall close to previously excavated cist tombs ca. 3km southeast of the village of Vrina (see ADelt 45 [1990] Chr, 119−20).
The Π-shaped wall, of well-worked conglomerate blocks, was built against the edge of a low hill and likely formed a monumental façade for two Early Hellenistic tombs behind it. Cist tomb 1 (oriented east-west) lay 4.4m inside the inner face of the wall, to the east. It was built of re-used masonry, and contained two burials plus a fragmentary vessel and a pointed amphora. Tomb 2, 1.8m away, was completely destroyed. Only a cranium, a fragmentary large vessel and a lamp were found.
Excavation revealed no further burials inside the wall. Traces of further buildings in the wider area include foundations damaged by cultivation. Sherds were collected from the hilltop and upper slopes, but no further architecture was found there, probably due to cultivation and repeated landscaping.
The Π-shaped wall, of well-worked conglomerate blocks, was built against the edge of a low hill and likely formed a monumental façade for two Early Hellenistic tombs behind it. Cist tomb 1 (oriented east-west) lay 4.4m inside the inner face of the wall, to the east. It was built of re-used masonry, and contained two burials plus a fragmentary vessel and a pointed amphora. Tomb 2, 1.8m away, was completely destroyed. Only a cranium, a fragmentary large vessel and a lamp were found.
Excavation revealed no further burials inside the wall. Traces of further buildings in the wider area include foundations damaged by cultivation. Sherds were collected from the hilltop and upper slopes, but no further architecture was found there, probably due to cultivation and repeated landscaping.
Auteur de la notice
Catherine MORGAN
Références bibliographiques
ADelt 55 (2000) Chr, 275−76
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Date de création
2010-12-09 00:00:00
Dernière modification
2023-10-05 15:48:45