Pera Galini, Mylopotamos - 2009
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Pera Galini, Mylopotamos. Eleni Tsivilika and Eleni Banou (ΚΕ’ ΕΠΚΑ) report that during 2009 the essential excavation and protection works took place at the archaeological site of Pera Galini.
Priority was given to the reconstruction of the fencing and of the temporary shelter of the site in Souda hill. The reconstruction of the fencing, which started the year before, was completed, while the designing for another stronger enclosure is also being considered.
Before the reconstruction of the shelter, parts of the excavation were additionally drawn, whereas detailed photography and aerial photography of the excavated area was conducted, since the site was now uncovered. New antiquities were discovered at the nearby mountains where the photographic recording was extended to. At the bottom of Souda, on both sides of the entrance a circular structure made of large stones was found towards the W, as well as part of a wall towards the E. A small-scale excavation took place at the S part of the W staircase (trench 8α) which was disturbed. A tilting cobbled path was present there, and a few sherds from cups, pithoi, jugs etc. were collected along with part of a large vessel made of black stone. Finally, the topographic recording of the site was carried out and the reconstruction of the shelter was finished.
[Entry created by C. Koureta]
Priority was given to the reconstruction of the fencing and of the temporary shelter of the site in Souda hill. The reconstruction of the fencing, which started the year before, was completed, while the designing for another stronger enclosure is also being considered.
Before the reconstruction of the shelter, parts of the excavation were additionally drawn, whereas detailed photography and aerial photography of the excavated area was conducted, since the site was now uncovered. New antiquities were discovered at the nearby mountains where the photographic recording was extended to. At the bottom of Souda, on both sides of the entrance a circular structure made of large stones was found towards the W, as well as part of a wall towards the E. A small-scale excavation took place at the S part of the W staircase (trench 8α) which was disturbed. A tilting cobbled path was present there, and a few sherds from cups, pithoi, jugs etc. were collected along with part of a large vessel made of black stone. Finally, the topographic recording of the site was carried out and the reconstruction of the shelter was finished.
[Entry created by C. Koureta]
Auteur de la notice
Michael Loy
Références bibliographiques
ADelt 64 (2009), Chr., 919.
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2021-10-25 18:15:28
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2021-10-25 18:15:42