AGRAPIDOCHORI - Kotrona - 2000
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Année de l'opération
Nature de l'opération
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Agrapidochori, Kotrona. X. Arapogianni (then Director, Ζ' ΕΠΚΑ, now Director, ΛΗ' ΕΠΚΑ) reports the investigation of two chamber tombs following illegal excavation at a site where a chamber tomb had previously been discovered. In both cases, the dromos was cut by the modern farm road and could not be investigated.
Tomb 1, exposed by the illegal excavation, had been completely looted. Oriented north-south with the entrance to the south, the chamber was oval and the stomion closed with a dry-stone wall. Scattered bone and sherds were recovered, from which two LHIIIA1 stirrup jars were restored.
The chamber of tomb 2 escaped illegal excavation. Sited west of tomb 1, it adjoins its chamber and is on the same orientation. The stomion was closed by a dry-stone wall. The oval chamber contained five burials plus one displaced. The first burial on the east side of the chamber had three amphorae (Fig. 1) and a straight-sided alabastron, inside which was a miniature jug, plus a further alabastron (Fig. 2). At the feet were two more alabastra (Fig. 3), a stirrup jar, a ring vase, a jar, two faience beads and a straight-sided alabastron. The second burial, next to the first, had a ring vase and two stirrup jars on each side of the cranium, and by the right side two stirrup jars (Fig. 4), a lekythos and parts of a bronze and bone pin. The third burial, on the north side of the chamber, had completely disintegrated. At head-level were a lekythos, three stirrup jars (Fig. 5) and two amphorae. The cranium of the fourth skeleton was found on the west side of the chamber with two stirrup jars (Fig. 6) and a spouted cup; that of the fifth was on the northwest side. An ossuary pit (containing bone, a bone pin and three glass and faience beads) lay on the north side of the chamber opposite the stomion. Two vessels could not be associated with individual burials − a two-handled amphora from the southwest of the chamber and an alabastron beside the stomion. The tomb was used from LHIIIA2 to LHIIIC1.
Auteur de la notice
Catherine MORGAN
Références bibliographiques
ADelt 55 (2000) Chr, 272−73
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Date de création
2010-12-09 00:00:00
Dernière modification
2023-10-05 15:46:29