KASTELLI, KISSAMOS. – Property of Sampsaki-Andreou. - 2009
Informations Générales
Numéro de la notice
Année de l'opération
Nature de l'opération
Kissamos, Kastellion
Kissamos, Kastellion
Notices et opérations liées
Property of Sampsaki-Andreou (Fig. 1,2), Kastelli, Kissamos. Nektarios O. Paterakis (ΚΕ’ ΕΠΚΑ) reports that during 2009, the salvage excavations continued in Kissamos, Chania. South of the town, the remains of two Roman buildings as well as drains of the Roman occupation and of the Early Byzantine period were discovered at the property of Sampsaki-Andreou. The Ephorate conducted works SE of the Sampsaki-Andreou house between May and September, based on the plan to determine the limits of the Roman bath (balneum/βαλανείον) that was found in 2002. North of the balneum, two praefurnia, the rooms for the tepid and cold bath, a large cistern, as well as smaller spaces in the S were found. The complex seems to expand towards the E, under an illegally erected building, and its excavation has been scheduled. A temporary shelter for the protection of the remains was built in December.
[Entry created by C. Koureta]
[Entry created by C. Koureta]
Auteur de la notice
Michael Loy
Références bibliographiques
ADelt 64 (2009), Chr., 916.
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Date de création
2021-10-20 09:40:50
Dernière modification
2021-10-29 08:01:00