Informations Générales
Numéro de la notice
Année de l'opération
Nature de l'opération
Notices et opérations liées
Lakonis cave. E. Panagopoulou, P. Karkanas, E. Kotzabopoulou, G. Tsartsidou, K. Charvati and M. Dinou (then EPS, now EPSNE) report.
A small underground hollow was identified and explored, excavation in the main area continued and study of geology, environment and cave formation processes pursued. In area 1 (Fig. 1), a succession of hearths was excavated and the carbonized material sampled. Both the technology of the stone tools and C14 dates verify occupation at the end of the Middle Palaeolithic. A similar sequence of burnt areas was explored in trench 2, where the upper levels have Palaeolithic tools and those beneath Middle Palaeolithic. More than 1,000 stone tools were recovered from the two trenches: full discussion of their technology, and of C14 data, is presented. Early bovine and deer species are well presented in the faunal record, and plant remains indicate wooded surroundings. Survey in the wider eastern Mani area (reported below) has produced, in addition to new Palaeolithic sites, evidence for a likely source of the principal stone used for tools 15km from the site.
A small underground hollow was identified and explored, excavation in the main area continued and study of geology, environment and cave formation processes pursued. In area 1 (Fig. 1), a succession of hearths was excavated and the carbonized material sampled. Both the technology of the stone tools and C14 dates verify occupation at the end of the Middle Palaeolithic. A similar sequence of burnt areas was explored in trench 2, where the upper levels have Palaeolithic tools and those beneath Middle Palaeolithic. More than 1,000 stone tools were recovered from the two trenches: full discussion of their technology, and of C14 data, is presented. Early bovine and deer species are well presented in the faunal record, and plant remains indicate wooded surroundings. Survey in the wider eastern Mani area (reported below) has produced, in addition to new Palaeolithic sites, evidence for a likely source of the principal stone used for tools 15km from the site.
Auteur de la notice
Catherine MORGAN
Références bibliographiques
ADelt 55 (2000) Chr, 1199−202
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Date de création
2010-12-07 00:00:00
Dernière modification
2023-10-05 15:26:42