Informations Générales
Numéro de la notice
Année de l'opération
Nature de l'opération
Nauplie, Nafplio
Nauplie, Nafplio
Notices et opérations liées
20002000 (1)
Nauplion, Venetian defences of Nauplion. Ch. Piteros (Director, Δ' ΕΠΚΑ) reports the discovery of two sections of the mina (underground defensive passage) along the east face of the fossa of the Venetian walls of Nauplion in the area of Kolokotronis Park (O.T. 100a). This vaulted passage, built of stone with lime plaster, was probably dug as a siege defence during the second period of Venetian rule (1689−1715). Part of it was previously discovered to the south, at the southeast corner of the city lawcourt building at the junction of 25th Martiou and Polyzoidou Streets.
The first section was discovered during the opening of a drainage channel along the north side of Vasileios Konstantinou Street at the junction with Polyzoidou Street, 11.35−15m from the southwest corner of the park. This lies 60m east of the early Venetian city wall (on Vasileios Konstantinou Street), between Nikitara Square (and the lawcourts) and Kapodistrias Square. The mina here runs southwest-northeast; the interior west wall is 1.1m wide, the exterior east wall 0.9m wide and the intervening space 1.2m wide.
The second section was revealed during trenching for electricity cables along the south side of Sidiras Merarchias Street (which defines the north side of the park). Lying 31.7m east of the northwest corner of the park and the junction of Polyzoidou and Sidiras Merarchias Streets, a curved structure (oriented north-south) is probably an extension of the line of the mina. A strong wall oriented east-west is likely part of the north Venetian quay outside the east city walls and moat. This wall was traced for 59m west-east towards the northeast edge of the park, and probably continues further north. Its full height and width were not revealed (the latter is estimated at 1.5−2m).
Auteur de la notice
Catherine MORGAN
Références bibliographiques
ADelt 55 (2000) Chr, 184−85
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Date de création
2010-11-29 00:00:00
Dernière modification
2023-10-05 11:11:01