Keramidi plot (km position 26 + 930), Stamna - 2008
Keramidi plot (km position 26 + 930), Stamna. Maria Gatsi (ΛΣΤ’ ΕΠΚΑ) reports on discoveries made during the construction of a road that will link the Ionia Odos with the Gouria Bridge.
An agricultural building of the Hellenistic period was discovered at a depth of 0.30m, comprising six rectangular spaces arranged in a row along the NW axis (Fig. 1,2). They are part of a much larger complex that would extend to the SE. The areas investigated were defined by limestone walls, sandstone walls, and cobblestone walls, with the tallest foundations surviving to 0.40m. In most areas, extensive layers of roof tile destruction were located.
In the centre of Room A another rectangular structure was built from slabs and coarse stones. In the SW of Room B, a pebble floor was found. In Rooms D and E, storage jars were found, and also wheat grinders in Room D. A stone pipe were found in the NE end of the site.
Finds from the site include coarse utilitarian pottery, including basins, and fine ceramics including skyphoi. There were also iron nails, lead buckles, loom weights, sea shells and hooks.
Further test trenches were placed in the NE and NW of the site, yielding post-classical pottery.
ADelt 63 (2008), Chr., 655–7
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