Tsapakis property, Diavaide - 2008
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Tsapakis property, Diavaide. Maria Mavraki-Balanou (ΚΓ’ ΕΠΚΑ) reports that a salvage excavation took place at the SW part of this property at the settlement of Diavaide, since a ceramic kiln was detected during the construction of a swimming pool.
The kiln (Fig. 1,2) was well-preserved, however its W part was destroyed by an older pit for a cesspool, which was opened during an earlier period and was filled with stones. Four archaeological layers were covering the area above the portable hearth; the third one, which contained small stones, pebbles and pottery, must have been created right after the last usage period of the kiln, signifying the end of this workshop structure. The last layer above the hearth was a deposit with refuse from the use of the kiln.
Unpainted sherds of vertically fluted vessels and others with stylised decorations from pots of the Roman period were collected. They probably date to the Roman-Late Roman period. The excavation will continue and the land owner is willing to showcase this ancient workshop area, if possible.
[Entry created by C. Koureta]
The kiln (Fig. 1,2) was well-preserved, however its W part was destroyed by an older pit for a cesspool, which was opened during an earlier period and was filled with stones. Four archaeological layers were covering the area above the portable hearth; the third one, which contained small stones, pebbles and pottery, must have been created right after the last usage period of the kiln, signifying the end of this workshop structure. The last layer above the hearth was a deposit with refuse from the use of the kiln.
Unpainted sherds of vertically fluted vessels and others with stylised decorations from pots of the Roman period were collected. They probably date to the Roman-Late Roman period. The excavation will continue and the land owner is willing to showcase this ancient workshop area, if possible.
[Entry created by C. Koureta]
Auteur de la notice
Michael Loy
Références bibliographiques
ADelt 63 (2008), Chr., 1135-1136.
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Date de création
2021-03-29 12:44:03
Dernière modification
2024-02-27 11:18:33