Samandourou Hill, Construction parts K56, BNE-D3, K56 BNE, Examilia area, Ancient Corinth - 2014
Informations Générales
Numéro de la notice
Année de l'opération
Nature de l'opération
Korinthos, Corinth
Korinthos, Corinth
Notices et opérations liées
Samandourou Hill, Construction parts K56, BNE-D3, K56 BNE, Examilia area, Ancient Corinth. Konstantinos Kissas (LZ’ EPKA) reports on the rescue excavations taking place in the area ranging between Agioi Theodoroi, Corinth and Megalopoli, due to the constructions of a gas pipe.
K56, BNE-D3
Antiquities of Roman times were located in the trench created for the placement of the gas pipes. They were parts of three neighboring spaces (Fig. 1), the usage of which remains unidentified. The large quantity of pottery collected dates the assemblage of spaces to the Roman times, and, specifically, to the 3rd century BC.
Due to some indications for the existence of an underlying Mycenean layer, the aforementioned space was removed and four cist graves of the Late Helladic IIIB (Fig. 2). One of them was a disinterment, and another wan was circle shaped, while some grave goods were found (two stone whorls and one kyathos). The extension of the graves towards the E indicated that those graves were a part of a broader Mycenean cemetery.
A trench spotted nearby the aforementioned site contained a Mycenean layer (Fig. 3), in which three pseudo-mouth amphorae and an alabastro were found. Above that, some vertically placed poroliths are interpreted as covering slabs of a burial pit. The pit was located in a lower layer.
K56, BNE-D3
Antiquities of Roman times were located in the trench created for the placement of the gas pipes. They were parts of three neighboring spaces (Fig. 1), the usage of which remains unidentified. The large quantity of pottery collected dates the assemblage of spaces to the Roman times, and, specifically, to the 3rd century BC.
Due to some indications for the existence of an underlying Mycenean layer, the aforementioned space was removed and four cist graves of the Late Helladic IIIB (Fig. 2). One of them was a disinterment, and another wan was circle shaped, while some grave goods were found (two stone whorls and one kyathos). The extension of the graves towards the E indicated that those graves were a part of a broader Mycenean cemetery.
A trench spotted nearby the aforementioned site contained a Mycenean layer (Fig. 3), in which three pseudo-mouth amphorae and an alabastro were found. Above that, some vertically placed poroliths are interpreted as covering slabs of a burial pit. The pit was located in a lower layer.
Auteur de la notice
Michael Loy
Références bibliographiques
ADelt 69 (2014), Chr., 1069-1070
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Date de création
2021-03-16 10:05:02
Dernière modification
2024-02-22 09:17:09