Archaeological Zone A’, Knossos - 2008
Knossos, Knosos, Cnossus, Cnossos
Archaeological Zone A’, Knossos. Maria Mavraki Balanou (ΚΓ’ ΕΠΚΑ) reports that on the 13/05/2008, after the report of a guard, an illegal rubbish dump which is located inside the Archaeological Zone A’ of Knossos, between the areas Kallithea and Skalani, was visited. A large amount of ancient building material, remains from ancient buildings, lithic vessels and sherds of different periods, with the Hellenistic to the Byzantine being predominant, were discovered. A few diagnostic sherds and glass fragments were collected at first. During the next day, a potential Minoan lithic vessel, a marble vessel, a trapezoid fragment potentially deriving from the base of a small Byzantine column, as well as a carved lithic fragment of an unidentified architectural part were also collected. The Archaeological Service notified the police for further investigations.
[Entry created by C. Koureta]
ADelt 63 (2008), Chr., 1132.
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