Matala, Property of Eu. Leontarakis - 2007
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Année de l'opération
Nature de l'opération
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Matala, Property of Eu. Leontarakis. Eirini Antonakaki (ΚΓ’ ΕΠΚΑ) reports that trial trenching in 1990, after request for construction works, brought to light a few remains of Roman walls in the property. Later in 2006 a carved well was found at the E part of the plot and during the excavation works of 2006 and 2007, remains belonging to three chronological phases were discovered in the entirety of the property (Fig. 1).
The remains of a pottery workshop, dating to the 1st-2nd c. AD were found in lower levels. Areas 1, 2 and 4 were cisterns carved on the rock, with Area 1 being almost completely destroyed by the heavy machinery. The second elongated cistern on the W is connected to the former with a semi-circular opening, located at the dividing wall above the well, and was hastily sealed with small stones and tile fragments (Fig. 2,3). Both cisterns are connected to a third larger one (Area 4) which is partially carved as well as built, with channels that were carved on the rock (Fig. 4). Based on the archaeological evidence, the cisterns were used for clay filtering. North of the cisterns 1 and 2, a carved rock-shelter, containing deposits of a kiln, with ceramic vessels, mainly fragments of amphorae, pedestals, lamps, cooking pots, as well as mudbricks.
The second phase, dating from the 4th to the 5th c AD, is visible in the area of the large cistern 4, where the space is divided by a wall with a door, which was later sealed (Fig. 5). There was repairing of the old masonry and additions, such as a new earthen floor, and the space was used as a house, with ceramic vessels of daily uses being present.
The third phase of habitation in the area occurred between the 7th to 8th c. AD, and is visible in the location of Room 3 at the centre of the property (Fig. 1). Approximately 20 figurine fragments were discovered in successive geological deposits. Traces of the carved channels of the cisterns of the first chronological phase were present on the natural rock.
[Entry created by C. Koureta]
The remains of a pottery workshop, dating to the 1st-2nd c. AD were found in lower levels. Areas 1, 2 and 4 were cisterns carved on the rock, with Area 1 being almost completely destroyed by the heavy machinery. The second elongated cistern on the W is connected to the former with a semi-circular opening, located at the dividing wall above the well, and was hastily sealed with small stones and tile fragments (Fig. 2,3). Both cisterns are connected to a third larger one (Area 4) which is partially carved as well as built, with channels that were carved on the rock (Fig. 4). Based on the archaeological evidence, the cisterns were used for clay filtering. North of the cisterns 1 and 2, a carved rock-shelter, containing deposits of a kiln, with ceramic vessels, mainly fragments of amphorae, pedestals, lamps, cooking pots, as well as mudbricks.
The second phase, dating from the 4th to the 5th c AD, is visible in the area of the large cistern 4, where the space is divided by a wall with a door, which was later sealed (Fig. 5). There was repairing of the old masonry and additions, such as a new earthen floor, and the space was used as a house, with ceramic vessels of daily uses being present.
The third phase of habitation in the area occurred between the 7th to 8th c. AD, and is visible in the location of Room 3 at the centre of the property (Fig. 1). Approximately 20 figurine fragments were discovered in successive geological deposits. Traces of the carved channels of the cisterns of the first chronological phase were present on the natural rock.
[Entry created by C. Koureta]
Auteur de la notice
Michael Loy
Références bibliographiques
ADelt 62 (2007), Chr., 1205-1208
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Date de création
2021-03-08 10:01:08
Dernière modification
2024-02-20 10:13:38