Chronique des fouilles en ligne - AGO
Athens South (Makrygianni, Koukaki, Kynosarges, Mets), Athènes centre-Sud-Aθήνα κέντρο-νότια (Μακρυγιάννη, Κουκάκι, Μετς, Κυνόσαργες)
Legend :

location of excavation/archaeological operation

location of modern place

polygon of place (AG Online)

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Geometry :
GEOMETRYCOLLECTION (POINT (23.72931 37.967935), POLYGON ((23.723481 37.96148, 23.723481 37.971359, 23.743557 37.971359, 23.743557 37.96148, 23.723481 37.96148)))