Chronique des fouilles en ligne - AGO
Edessa, Vodena-Δ.Δ.Εδέσσης
Legend :

location of excavation/archaeological operation

location of modern place

polygon of place (AG Online)

Functionalities of the map :

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Geometry :
POLYGON ((22.035685 40.800157, 22.038002 40.798922, 22.040234 40.796388, 22.039805 40.795024, 22.039891 40.792554, 22.043238 40.792099, 22.050877 40.797233, 22.054396 40.799767, 22.056113 40.802756, 22.057143 40.805224, 22.055684 40.808018, 22.052937 40.810746, 22.050534 40.8125, 22.048731 40.812046, 22.0471 40.810292, 22.042809 40.809837, 22.037316 40.809512, 22.03414 40.809252, 22.033196 40.807173, 22.035599 40.806329, 22.035771 40.80295, 22.039719 40.804055, 22.041779 40.804055, 22.040663 40.802885, 22.03826 40.801716, 22.035685 40.800157))