Kyparissia - 2010
Kyparissia, coastal Road. Konstantina Gerolymou (26th EBA) reports on a rescue excavation during construction work along the W side of the coastal road at Kyparissia and close to the archaeological site of the town. The remains of substantial walls were found, the date of which is not secure since there were no small finds (fig. 1). There were 3 walls, 2 rubble and 1 of better construction, made with unworked stones, mortar, and tile fragments in a few locations. Very few sherds (unidentifiable) were found. Among them there was a fragment of a lamp of late Roman to early Christian date.
During recent excavation on a neighbouring property (Tsolaridis) settlement remains of the Roman and Late Roman period were found.
[Entry by E. Strazdins]
ADelt 65 (2010), Chr., 771.
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