Lefkakia - 2010
Lefkakia, Spaitzikon (206/1927)
Lefkakia, Agios Ioannis hill (property of G. Dimitropoulos). Christos Piteros (Δ’ΕΠΚΑ) reports on two excavations carried out during work on a road (E-W) along the southern side of the property. Trench 1: Early Helladic, Middle Helladic and Mycenaean shells, pieces of pithoi and obsidian were found. In the middle of the section were found disturbed foundation stones. Also, a deposit of Early Helladic pottery was found. Trench 2 (Fig. 1): inside small-medium sized stones, Mycenaean sherds from utilitarian vessels were found. Also from inside the deposit Mycenaean sherds were collected. The survey revealed that the area was inhabited from the EH II-III and later during the MH and mainly during the Mycenaean period.
[Entry created by E. Strazdins]
ADelt 65 (2010) Chr., 391-392.
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