IKLAINA - 2010
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Iklaina. M. Kosmopoulos (ASA) reports on continuing excavation in 2010.
In the south part of the excavation area, a complex of small dwellings was excavated (Fig. 1). The north building has three probable storerooms dating from LH II-LH IIIA1. Fragments of wall painting found in the fill within the rooms include depictions of part of a ship with rowers and dolphins beneath (Fig. 2), parts of female figures, and other subjects. The paintings likely decorated an upper-floor room.
South of this complex were a further two rooms with curved walls (perhaps to facilitate circulation). One, containing part of a round hearth, was dated to LH IIB-IIIA1 by pottery which included an early Mycenaean skyphos. Other rooms to the east, include one in which a roughly-made stone staircase is partially preserved. These rooms are dated by pottery from the end of the Middle Helladic period until LH II/LH IIIA1. One large open space to the east and south of the building complex was perhaps a garden or court. Small parts of other rooms were excavated further to the east and northwest: these seem to have been bordered by a road with water channels.
In the north sector of the excavation area, large parts of two rooms were revealed to the east of House B (Fig. 3). The southern one contained a deposit with plentiful LH II/IIIA1-LH IIIA2 pottery and a fragment of a Linear B tablet inscribed on both sides (Fig. 4). The excavator thus dates the tablet to LH IIIA2.
Catherine MORGAN
Bibliographic reference(s)
Ergon (2010) 24-28
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Date of creation
2011-06-18 00:00:00
Last modification
2023-10-09 10:32:41