Polyforos, Grammenochoria - 2013
Polyforos, Grammenochoria. Nikos Choinas (IB’ ΕΠΚΑ) reports on the excavation of two buildings and five cist graves.
The first building was oriented EW; its E end was damaged, so the total length of the structure is unknown. Its surviving length is 2–3m, and width 3.70m (internally) and 5.10m (externally), surviving at a height 0.7m. In the NW corner, limestone slabs were found. Unpainted sherds and tiles were found in the excavation, dating roughly to the Roman or Early Byzantine periods.
To the W a building of a similar orientation was found, 4.50 x 3.50m, surviving at a height of 1.15m. This building was constructed with a dry stone technique. Along with the first building, these two buildings probably comprised a complex.
Inside the second building, four cist graves were found (T2, 3, 5 6), all oriented EW and of the Byzantine period. They were made from limestone blocks, and also their floors were lined with limestone. One grave (T4) contained two tiles that were used as a pillow for the deceased. To the E of the first building, a cist (T1) was found with EW orientation.
The complex was probably a small church, Agios Nikolaos (according to local tradition), while the first building might have been dated to the Roman period and has unknown function.
ADelt 69 (2014), Chr., 1614–5
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