Chronique des fouilles en ligne - AGO
Delos, Délos, Dilos-Δήλος,η (νησίς)
Legend :

location of excavation/archaeological operation

location of modern place

polygon of place (AG Online)

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Geometry :
POLYGON ((25.264435 37.411755, 25.267926 37.413656, 25.272389 37.414065, 25.276509 37.414747, 25.280972 37.411747, 25.279084 37.406566, 25.277024 37.40193, 25.279942 37.396611, 25.281487 37.391565, 25.278912 37.387201, 25.276509 37.384745, 25.280114 37.380926, 25.277367 37.377243, 25.271016 37.372059, 25.266896 37.370559, 25.268269 37.366193, 25.263978 37.365784, 25.260545 37.370695, 25.261918 37.374515, 25.261918 37.383381, 25.259686 37.391565, 25.258656 37.39702, 25.26106 37.409293, 25.264435 37.411755))