MALIA - 2007
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Notices et opérations liées
Malia. M. Pomadère (EfA) reports on the 2007 excavation season in Quartier Delta of the M town (Fig. 1). The main focus was building Π. Less monumental than its neighbours, architectural studies nonetheless established 2 main phases of use in the Protopalatial and Neopalatial periods (with 3 subphases in MM III−LM I), but no later reoccupation. Room 4, with its flagstones, 2 column bases and red-paint decoration, is a small colonnade/portico; a pit to the SW contained many dozens of often complete vases, from some destruction. Rooms 10 and 11 (Fig. 2), like 14 and 15, are long spaces designed as storerooms. As often seen at Malia, they may have cisterns set in or even replacing a wall − in this case at the E end. Lacking an obvious entrance, it is argued that these were entered from above; filled with destruction debris, they yielded vases of everyday use, but decorated and of good quality. Room 8 (5.7 x 4.9m) was perhaps partly open, its single pillar not being deemed sufficient to support the roof for the entire space; in its last phase it was subdivided, with a cistern set on its paved floor. Yet another specimen appears in the party wall of rooms 12 and 13, in the W sector of which were also found stone tanks (up to 0.45m across), sunken into the floor: one is filled with small stones and the other with broken pottery. Finds were scarce and mostly Neopalatial in date. Sondages show earlier occupation on the site, with 4 sealstones and a steatite bead in the shape of a double-axe.
Auteur de la notice
Catherine MORGAN
Références bibliographiques
Unpublished field report, École française d’Athènes. For a resume of recent work at Malia, see
Also, see : M. Pomadere, Le Bâtiment Pi, BCH 132.2 (2008), p.827-834.
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2009-12-01 00:00:00
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2022-04-04 13:22:52