Athens - Plot on Lenorman, Alikarnassou, Astrous and Palamidiou Streets - 2014
Athens - Plot on Lenorman, Alikarnassou, Astrous and Palamidiou Streets. Lambrini Panagopoulou-Roka (Ephorate of Antiquities of Athens) reports on the excavation of a Classical period cemetery, a building of the Hellenistic period, a building of the Roman period, and three possible Roman cisterns.
A cluster of 14 graves was found in the SE of the plot, of various orientations: seven inhumations and seven creations. Graves were of the first half of the fifth century B.C., including one sarcophagus, and four rectangular pits adorned with black-painted lekythoi. Another grave contained the burial of an adult, laid on its left side and buried with a bronze pole, an animal figurine, and 18 black-painted lekythoi, some with mythological scenes. It is not possible to determine the extent of the original cemetery, due to disturbance from the foundations of twentieth century buildings.
Two burials of the fourth century were found further E, one an adult, the other a child, in a sarcophagus. A decorated lekythos was found with this burial. A short distance away there was evidence of three cremations.
In the NE section of the site, Hellenistic stele and marble architectural members were found. A column was also located, as polio in a later building.
A long wall was found in the adjacent area, which seems to have formed the basis of a Hellenistic period building, in use after the cemetery was no long actively used.
In the N part of the plot, a Roman period cistern was found, 23.25 x 28.20m. The walls were 1.10m thick, and made of large uncut stones. The construction also included some spoil from Hellenistic stele. Within the tank, a hoard of 1073 bronze coins were found, all from the twelfth century AD. Other smaller cisterns were located in the vicinity.
In the SW part of the plot, a curved cistern was found, of the Roman period. Along with another two cisterns found nearby, it is possible that these constructions were put up in the Hadrianic period, during a period of expansion and reorganisation for the city centre.
ADelt 70 (2015), Chr., 47–52
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