Informations Générales
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Année de l'opération
Nature de l'opération
Ano Liosia
Ano Liosia
Notices et opérations liées
Ano Liosia. Large slabs and abundant Roman pottery were revealed at Monis Arkadiou Street ca. 500−800m from the Sanctuary of Herakles excavated in 1959. A large Late Roman bath complex (Figs. 1-6) with many cisterns, hypocausts and water conduits was uncovered: this incorporated Classical spolia from a large public building as well as fragments of funerary kioniskoi and stelae, and a stone statue base. There were three building phases − two of the fifth to fourth century BC and another dated by coinage to the Late Roman/Byzantine period. The Classical phases produced black-figure and red-figure sherds, black-glazed prochoes, amphorae, plates and skyphoi. Ceramics of the Roman period (fourth to fifth century AD) were predominantly utilitarian: pointed amphorae, prochoes with comb decoration, plates, lekanes, chytres, pitchers, lamps, fragments of large pithoi, glass unguentaria, an iron dagger, four pyramidal loomweights, grinders, tiles, iron nails and fragments of lead and bronze. One large bronze pitcher was found almost intact. Of the 37 bronze coins found, the oldest has the head of Athena with Corinthian helmet of Demetrios Poliorketes and an owl on the reverse. Another, with the head of Athena and an olive tree on the reverse with the legend ΑΘΕ, dates to the first century BC, while a second-century AD bronze coin depicts Athena in a Corinthian helmet and a trireme on the reverse. Other coins have busts of various Roman emperors and include coins of Theodosius I and Anastasius I. The area of the baths produced fragments of funerary kioniskoi with the inscriptions: ΛΕΩΚΡΑΤΗΣ ΦΙΛΙΠΠΟΥ...ΡΕΥΣ, and ΔΗ...ΟΦΩΝ...ΩΜΕΝΟΥ. These perhaps indicate that the area was an important part of the ancient deme of Cholargos.
Auteur de la notice
Robert PITT
Références bibliographiques
M. Platonos, ADelt 55 (2000) Chr, 118−21; AR 56 (2009-2010), 17.
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Date de création
2011-01-23 00:00:00
Dernière modification
2023-10-06 10:27:20
Fig. 4/ Ano Liosia. Monis Arkadiou Street. Terracotta conduit from the eastern section of the baths from the south-east.
Fig. 5/ Ano Liosia. Monis Arkadiou Street. The area of hypocaust 2 with the semi-circular cistern from the north-west.